Thursday, May 15, 2008


I worked a mid-shift today.  In the glorious world of retail, a mid-shift means I neither opened the store nor closed it at the end of the day.  What mid-shift also means is that my entire seven hour work day will be spent surrounded by customers, dodging their “can you help me” eyes, picking up their lipstick-stained demo cups.  It also means that I need to wake up at a decent hour, forfeit my afternoon of productive TV watching, and return home before diner- even before the Late Show.  Offices will still be buzzing with activity as I hop the train and settle in for my 45minute commute around the loop and headed south.  Rail maintenance will not have started yet, TV watching can be put off for after dark, and for once, I will be on the same time schedule as the rest of the city.

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